Army Corps. of Engineers Beach Project »
Please be advised that there may be surveyors on the dunes and beach as part of the upcoming Beach Fill Project. They...
Trash Collection Update- Barnegat Lane »
Please be advised that Republics has notified the borough that Barnegat Lane trash will be picked up tomorrow, January...
Borough of Mantoloking- Bulkhead Permit Application »
In 2024, the Mantoloking Council adopted the newly created Chapter 23 of the Municipal Code for bulkheads. The...
Hello Everyone,
I want to wish you all a belated Happy New Year. Last year was a good one with many projects and accomplishments undertaken. Here are just a few thoughts as we move into 2025…
As I mentioned in my last message the beach replenishment has begun down in Seaside Park and, depending on the weather, they should arrive in Mantoloking in May-June. I will let you know more precise dates as they become available. Along those lines, the surveyors from Gahagan & Bryant will be walking and driving on the beach as they prepare maps for this project. They will be carrying credentials, if needed. They will be here for the next several days and then head south.
This is a reminder to renew/register your dog licenses for 2025. It is important to renew your license because in the event your pet gets free, we can identify ownership. Licensing also allows us to verify vaccination status in the event there is an incident involving your pet. Please remember that on garbage and recycling collection days that pets should not be allowed to roam free in your yard during collection timeframes. Please contact our Borough Clerk, Beverley Konopada, at 732-475-6983 Ext 313 regarding licensing.
It won’t be long before we have warmer days when we can do some walking and biking outside. I am hoping that we can make the effort to walk and ride more in a straight line and not 4 abreast on Barnegat Lane and East Avenue. This does create a hazard for everyone including the driver. Thank you for help making our roads as safe as they can be.
We do have several projects coming up this year but they won’t begin for another few months. I will certainly send information about these at the appropriate time.
That’s it for now. `I look forward to a productive and enjoyable 2025 for our residents and the Borough of Mantoloking.
Lance White